I wrote a small tool extract images which will modify image tag as your private registry and push them to your registry automatically with user authentication
- Here are the source code below :).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Term::ANSIColor;
my ($pushimg,$oldimg,@a,@b,%h);
my $reg="harbor01.test01.com";
my $project='library';
########## modify image tag format sub###########
sub labeltag {
my $str=$_[0];
return $pushimg;
#print "$str\n"
########find all images#####################
open (my $fh,"<","docker-compose.yml") or die "coudn't find docker-compose.yml$!\n";
while (<$fh>){
if ($_=~ /\s+(image):(.*):?/){
my $img;
if ($img=~/:/) {
else {
close $fh;
###########download docker images##############
foreach (keys%h) {
my @args = ("docker pull", "$_");
if (system("@args") ==0) {
print "the image:$_ has been downloaded\n";
push @a,"$_"
else {
push @b, "system @args failed: $?\n"
print @b;
########## modify tag as the private registry#########
foreach (@a) {
my @args = ("docker tag","$_", "$pushimg");
if (system("@args") ==0) {
print "the image tag:$_ has been changed as $pushimg\n"
else {
print "system @args failed: $?\n";
############push docker images##############
foreach (@a) {
my @args = ("docker push", "$pushimg");
if (system("@args") ==0) {
print "the image:$_ has been pushed to $reg\n"
else {
print "system @args failed: $?\n";