Please see the socket sample server/client
server side
\#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Socket;
use constant SIMPLE_UDP_PORT => 4001; #define port
use constant MAX_RECV_LEN => 65536; #1500 define frame size on Ethernet networks
use constant LOCAL_INETNAME => 'localhost'; #the name of the network device
my $trans_serv =getprotobyname('udp');
my $local_host =gethostbyname(LOCAL_INETNAME);
my $local_port =shift||SIMPLE_UDP_PORT;
my $local_addr =sockaddr_in($local_port,INADDR_ANY);
\#$trans_serv#This value should always be the result of a successful call to getprotobyname
socket(UDP_SOCK,PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,$trans_serv) or die "can't create Socket:$!\n";
bind(UDP_SOCK,$local_addr) or die "bind failed:$!\n";
my $data;
{ my $from_who=recv(UDP_SOCK,$data,MAX_RECV_LEN,0);
if ($from_who)
my ($the_port,$the_ip) = sockaddr_in ( $from_who);
my $remote_name =gethostbyaddr($the_ip,AF_INET);
# warn "received from\t",inet_ntoa($the_ip), ": $data\n";
warn "Received from $remote_name:",length($data),'->',substr($data,0,39),"\n";
send( UDP_SOCK, $data, 0, $from_who )
or warn "udp_s5: send to socket failed.\n";
{ warn "Problem with recv: $!\n";
client side
\#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Socket;
use constant MAX_RECV_LEN =>65536;
use constant SIMPLE_UDP_PORT => 4001;
use constant REMOTE_HOST => 'localhost';
my $trans_serv =getprotobyname('udp');
my $remote =shift || REMOTE_HOST;
my $remote_host =gethostbyname($remote) or die "udp_c2:name lookup failed:$remote\n";
my $remote_port =shift ||SIMPLE_UDP_PORT;
my $destination =sockaddr_in($remote_port,$remote_host);
socket(UDP_SOCK,PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,$trans_serv) or die "udp_c2:can't create Socket:$!";
my $msg_count=1;
my $big_chunk='x'x 65000;
while ( $msg_count <11)
my $data=$msg_count.'->'.$big_chunk;
send(UDP_SOCK,$data,0,$destination) or warn "udp_c6: send to socket failed: $msg_count\n";
$SIG{ALRM}=sub{die "recv timeout\n"};
eval {
my $from_who=recv(UDP_SOCK, $data,MAX_RECV_LEN,0);
if ($from_who)
my ($the_port,$the_ip)=sockaddr_in($from_who);
my $remote_name =gethostbyaddr($the_ip,AF_INET);
warn "Received from $remote_name:",length($data),
} else {
warn "problem with recv: $!\n";
if ($@)
die "udp_c6: $@\n" unless $@=~/recv timeout/;
warn "udp_c6: recv timed out, canceling ...\n";
close UDP_SOCK or die "udp_c6:close socket failed:$!\n";